Produced by ASEAN Youth Organization @ayoasean Sponsored by European Union in Indonesia @uni_eropa In collaboration with Jakarta Vegan Guide @jakartaveganguide and 21 Hari Vegan @21hariveg #IMPACTLives​ #WiseInConsumption​ #YouthForEnvironmentalProtection​
Responsible consumption highlights one of the key solutions and elements to truly achieving food security. Our consumption-driven economy has pushed industries to increase their output, which in turn increases our already high carbon footprint. It is not only the responsibility of our institutions and governments, but the youth to play a great role in achieving this future, by actively changing their behavior and mindset to care more for the Earth. The only way to achieve a low-carbon energy future is to explore and implement collective efforts to decrease consumers’ energy consumption.
The Green Solution is a 10 minute short documentary film that will present a sensation to the audience about the world of urban agriculture through the eyes of passionate environmental youths. The Green Solution highlights issues related to food sustainability, animal agriculture and overconsumption while also empowering youths to take more environmental consciousness by inspiring the audiences with the actions of individuals and young change makers. To learn how you can easily reduce your carbon footprint, keep watching. YOU are the solution. Lets save mother earth!